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广东外语外贸大学 翻译学研究中心



主题:Understanding Postgraduate Research Students’ PeerFeedback Practices in Academic Writing----A Case Study in China


时间:2016921日(星期三) 15:00-16:30

地点:广外北校区 6A421 学术室



Man Deliang is currently alecturer in applied linguistics. His research interest focuses on evaluativelanguage in educational setting from a discursive corpus-based approach. He hasseveral publications on the topic of scholarly literacy development of graduatestudents translation studies. He is now working on a project that aims toinvestigate the various forms of evaluation in the field of translationstudies, including examiner reports, peer feedback practice and book reviews.





Academic writingis a social practice in which the writer interacts with both texts and peopleand uses the interaction as a learning resource (Morton, Storch, and Thompson 2015,2; Hyland 2006, 41).Previous studies have examined the interaction between postgraduate researchstudents and teachers. There is still relatively little research on the peerfeedback practices of postgraduate research students. This paper reports on acase study of the peer feedback process of five postgraduate students. Thepaper focuses on how peer feedback is performed and on the factors affectingthe process. The case study was conducted in a master program in translationstudies in a foremost Chinese university. The findings offer insights into therole of peer feedback in advancing academic literacy and forming scholarlycommunities in an emerging discipline. Pedagogical implications for academicwriting teaching and recommendations for future research are also discussed.


Keywords: Peer feedback; peerinteractions; academic writing; postgraduate research student; EFL context



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