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著名教授论坛第253讲:Translating Women's Silences
编辑:   更新时间:2014-12-09   (点击:)

主讲人:Valerie HenitiukTranslation Studies主编,加拿大麦科文大学教授)

时 间:2014年12月15日(周一)15:00-17:00

地 点:北校区图书馆负一层报告厅




Anita Desai’s latest story collection, The Artist of Disappearance, includes a novella titled “Translator, Translated.” In it, a naïve young woman begs a former classmate, who now runs a publishing house, to give her the chance to render a beloved Oriya author into English: “She is such a great writer and no one here even knows her name. It is very sad but I am sure if you publish a translation of her work, she will become as well-known as – as – Simone de Beauvoir!” (Desai 2011, 58). It is no accident that the great feminist theorist is referenced here; gender and translation have long been closely linked. Translation makes it possible for us finally to see the previously invisible, hear the previously unheard, countering at least some of the effects of linguistic, cultural and gendered obscurity, but these acts of transmission or transcreation are often problematic. Important questions need to be addressed: who chooses what gets translated? Into which languages?From which languages and cultures? Who dares speaks for whom? What is my own complicity? This paper will briefly discuss some very different examples of my work in this area, such as helping bring to light previously unknown women’s voices from India’s Orissa province, suggesting non-existing readings that (if only they did exist) might have allowed women’s silence to be broken in inspiring ways, and bearing witness to the great range of responses to Classical Japanese women’s writing through exploration of its highly complex Western translation history.





Valerie Henitiuk2000年及2005年分别获阿尔伯塔大学日本文学硕士学位和比较文学博士学位,2005-2007年于哥伦比亚大学从事博士后研究,曾为哈佛大学、日本国学院大学访问学者。2007-2013年任教于英国东英吉利大学,担任文学与翻译方向高级讲师,2011年起担任英国文学翻译中心(British Centre for Literary Translation)主任,现为加拿大麦科文大学(MacEwan University)教授。编辑经验丰富,曾任《易言之》(In Other Words: the journal for literary translators)编辑和《翻译》(Translation)编委,现为国际著名翻译学期刊《翻译学研究》(Translation Studies)主编。主要从事翻译学、东西方文学比较、女性写作等研究,目前主要研究十世纪日本女性文学对西方的影响以及这些作品的译本涉及的政治和文化因素,代表著作为Translating Woman







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